A grassroots effort to get phone calls out for Mike Huckabee. Sign up to the right. Post a link on your blog!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

South Carolina - Round 2

Update--Thursday, Jan. 13, 7 pm-
If you have not heard from a team leader, please contact Leslie Rutledge the Little Rock office. She will get you phone numbers to call. The number there is 501-324-2008

We are planning on having a phone drive on Wednesday and Thursday. The primary is on Saturday (Jan. 19). We are adding people to teams right now and preparing to send emails out to team leaders, who should be contacting team members.

Let's make a difference in this race! You should be hearing from your team leader by tonight.

Total members now:

This website is not owned or operated by any candidate or political campaign.
All Content (c) 2007-2008 - PhoneCallsForMike.blogspot.com